APCM | Thursday 9th May | 7:30pm | church
Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting is coming up soon on Thursday 9th May at 7:30pm.
It's an opportunity to look back at all God has done in, among and through our church family here in Peckham in 2023. And we begin to look ahead to what the next year might hold, prayerfully asking God to lead us.
We'll be filling some vacancies on PCC - for more information on standing for PCC and what that involves then do get in touch with Greg, or the churchwardens via hello@allsaintspeckham.org.uk .
Those that we know are choosing to stand have prepared a short statement to tell you why. You can read those by clicking on the link below.
Annual Report 2023
Truth be told, for myself and many in All Saints, 2022 and 2023 felt a little bit like beginning a new book. Understandably, there were some fears, as there often will be when stepping into the unknown. But, wow, the excitement, the joy – God served those up in double. And, being His handiwork, God uses us in writing each new page.
Read the report by clicking the button below.
Last Years Minutes
One of the first 'orders of business' for our APCM is to agree that last year's minutes were a fair reflection of last year's APCM. So if you can take a bit of time to read them in advance, you could help us by approving the minutes when it comes to that point of the meeting.
Opening with a time of Worship
Meeting of the Parishioners: Churchwarden election
Opening of the APCM: Apologies, approval of 2023 minutes
PCC Election
Finance Report
Ministry Reports
Deanery Synod Report
If you have any questions to ask, having reflected on the annual report, please feel free to ask them using the Slido link below. These can be submitted in advance of the meeting or at any time during the meeting up until the point where we stop for questions.
They will be answered by the member of staff or PCC best placed to offer a response.
Our churchwardens Raphael Pedro and Liz Fothergill will be standing for re-election in their positions.