Meet some of us

meet some of us

We are a reasonably large church (up to 200 on a Sunday morning and 30 or so on a Sunday evening). We also have lots of activities running throughout the week both in our church and around  the area which include many other people who do not come every week to church.

We are made up of lots of people doing lots of different things! It’s therefore almost impossible to tell you about everyone and the unique and amazing role they fulfil in our church family but this is a starting list of those you might find useful to know. 

Our Staff Team

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Rev Greg Cushing

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Becky Addae - Children & Families Pastor

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Gareth Hepworth - operations director

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Toby Lockyer
Youth Worker


Racheal Mulema - CAP & Pastoral Care


Julie Milnthorpe - Events & Communications


Jonathan Smith
Worship Director

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Fernando Rodriguez - Site Maintenance

Our Churchwardens & PCC

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Elizabeth Fothergill - Churchwarden

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Raphael Pedro - Churchwarden

June Brown, Chair, RDB Sub-group

Jane Fryer - Chair of PCC

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Kathryn Beatham

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Olivia Brambill
Deanery Synod Representative

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Jennifer Griffin - Walter

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Anthony Madu
Deanery Synod Representative

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Eleanor Orr

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Roger Orr
Deanery Synod Representative

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Joshua Pedro

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Marie-Louise Samuels

June Brown, Chair, RDB Sub-group

Chris Sewell
Deanery Synod Representative

June Brown, Chair, RDB Sub-group

Viv Thatcher
Deanery Synod Representative

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Hermione Thompson

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Paul West

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Teresa Williams