All Saints Prayer
At All Saints, we know that prayer is a critical part of the story of our church & as a community we practise prayer individually, in small groups & corporately. A line that inspired several of our gatherings was “Has there ever been a time when weʼve needed Godʼs breakthrough more than this?” & we believe this remains so true!

PRAYER NIGHT - monthly
One week a month we pause our usual home group rhythms and come together for a night of corporate prayer in the church. It's a joy to thank God for all He's doing among us and to bring the needs of our world and community before Him once again. Usually the third Wednesday, this is the most important meeting of the month at All Saints so do watch out for announcements.
Prayer Against Poverty

Some of us specifically support the work of CAP (Christians Against Poverty) by praying specifically for the needs of our CAP friends. If you'd like to receive regular updates so you can be praying, please drop Racheal a line.
Mens Prayer Breakfast

Weekly on a Thursday, 6.45am in the church hall for bacon sandwiches, bible study and prayer.
We meet before each service to pray and invite God to have His way. Anyone is welcome to join these times of prayer. On Sunday mornings we start praying from around 10am at the front of church near the prayer chapel. On Sunday evenings a group meet to pray before the service around 5pm. Please reach out if you'd like any further information about joining these sessions.
We also have a rota for leading corporate prayers in our morning service and a team ready to offer prayer ministry at the end of the service. To get involved in either of these teams, speak to Rev Greg.