Summer Sundays
Journeying through the life of David this summer
Our Summer Sundays are going to be a little different!
10:30am All Age Service
We'll be gathering every Sunday for a slightly shorter, all age friendly, interactive service with worship, prayer and teaching from the life of David.
If you can't be in the building we'll have a simple livestream running that you can find at the usual Youtube channel.

Post Service Fun
We're planning some post-service fun activities to help us connect with one another, and to invite others in. So join us in the carpark, garden or park for some fun after church.
31st July - Garden Games
7th August - Water Fun
14th August - Bouncy Castle
21st August - Dance Trails
28th August - Picnic in the Park - Heading to Peckham Rye Common after the service!

Summer Sunday evenings we won’t be having a service at All Saints so it could be a chance to connect with God in a different way – a church with a different style or in another community (our friends at St Peter’s Brockley have a 5pm service), prayer walking around our streets, with someone else, or just you and God, or meeting others around a table to eat and pray. Let us know how you’re encountering God in a new way!
Over the next five weeks, we'll be diving into the life of David and exploring what we learn about God from the epic story of a shepherd boy turned King of Israel. Whether you're around or away or some combination, we want to continue growing together, so come follow the story with our reading plan. Each week has three (hopefully manageable) readings, leading out of the Sunday text and providing background for the next, along with a simple prayer to declare with David both the depths of our struggles and the praises of His Name. We'll celebrate each Sunday with a new scene of the story, giving praise to our Rock, our fortress and our deliverer!