Yes, children’s groups are back!  

Little Saints (creche) will be open for 0-3 year olds and parents will be able to drop children and leave them with leaders if they feel comfortable doing so. Places will be limited by the amount of leaders available each Sunday and so you may be asked to stay if necessary. Little Saints meets in the blue room to the left hand side of the hall. 

Kids church consists of two groups; Early Years and S-Club. Both meet in the hall. Early Years is for children who are 3 and over up to the end of Reception. They use the left hand door of the hall. S-Club is for school years 1-4 and they use the right hand side door to the hall. 

Torches is our group for school years 5-6. They meet in the Red Shed- the wooden building to the righthand side of the hall.

All children will first of all come to the main church building for the beginning of the service. New families, or children new to our groups will be asked to register over at your groups. During the service, instructions will be given when it’s time to leave for groups.