All Saints Parents
We have a number of groups for the parents of All Saints to go along to and build community in.

MOLO (Mums of little ones)
A space for mums of little ones to gather together to be refreshed & encouraged and connect with other mums. Aimed at but not exclusive to mums of pre-school and young school-aged children.
MOLO play dates:
Our monthly play date 10am in the church hall and crèche space. Space for the babies to roll around and the bigger kids to play, with something to drink and nibble on for the mums and little ones. Your mum friends are always welcome as it might be an nice introduction to your church community. We share a thought and prayer each time we meet.
This term: Friday 13th May, Friday 10th June, Friday 8th July!
MOLO newbies:
If you have a baby under the age of 1 year we would love you to join us for our newbie meet-ups where we try to support each other in the baby season of motherhood.
Find out more:
Bump night
If you or anyone you know within our church community is growing a little baby bump please do let us know so we can offer an invitation when the date is confirmed.
To be kept in the loop about all things MOLO email us at

WLTDO (Who Let The Dads Out)
For dads, granddads, male carers and their children. Join us in the church hall once a month for bacon sandwiches and a time for your little ones to play.
On the second Saturday of the month, 9.30-11:30am in the church hall. Resuming when we can.