
Advent - Preparing our hearts for Christmas

As we approach the busy season of Christmas, Christians around the world mark the period of Advent as a time of preparation. Some people choose to fast and to pray, there are dedicated carols for this period and we even get to celebrate by opening calendar windows each day! Often we turn our eyes to all the ways in which God was working all of history together to prepare for the wonderful coming of His son. 

Here at All Saints there are a few different ways we can be preparing for this season and we'd like to invite you in to an advent journey, preparing together as we remember that God is here.

Daily devotion readalong

Advent is a great time to set aside time for the Bible, reflecting on God's word and all that was fulfilled in the arrival of Jesus into thew world. This year we're going to use the Bible Project's Advent Reflections which is available as a reading plan on YouVersion Bible App. You can download the app or if you already use it simply sign up for the reading plan which starts on 27th November. We can read along together and add comments to encourage each other and explore the passages in community.

24 Hours Prayer

We’re bringing back our 24 Hour Prayer Room this Advent. Why not book in an hour, on your own (you can tick for exclusive use, or with friends or a small group, to pray, listen to the Lord and make some space for Him in this busy season. It’s available to book now and runs from 7am Thursday 1st December, kicking off with Men’s Prayer Breakfast, running through Worship Night and finishing Friday morning at 7am. Book in here or using the button below.

Advent Prayer and Worship

Our monthly rhythms of prayer and worship continue in December with Worship Night during our 24 hours of prayer on Thursday 1st December at 8pm in church.  Prayer Night will be on Thursday 15th also at 8pm, taking time to intercede for those who came to the carol service and the things they've asked for prayer for. Lean in during this Advent season as we anticipate the coming of Christ in worship and prayer, in wonder and longing, in song and in request.

Silent Night Prayer Space - Thursday 22nd December


Thursday 22nd December from 8pm - 9pm we'll be hosting a Silent Night Prayer Space in church. In the midst of the noise and busyness of the lead up to Christmas, why not set aside this time for quiet reflection. There'll be a short reading and then we'll keep a time of silence, allowing God to direct our thoughts and prayers as we enjoy His presence. 

I'd like Prayer

If there's any way we can pray for you over the Christmas season please send your prayer requests to and we'll send them round our Praying Network to lift them to the Lord. We believe He loves to answer our prayers!