The rest of this website will tell you a bit about what we do, but that is only really part of the story. The more important part is about why.
We believe God is real. We believe God is head-over-heels in love with the world He made. So much so that He came to live in it, in Jesus, and continues to work in it today.
We believe the world is both a beautiful and a broken place, and that God is at work to bring wholeness to the broken parts and fullness to the beauty. We are astounded, again and again, that he chooses beautiful and broken human beings like us to be part of this world-wide work.
This story is why we exist as a church. We believe the whole world is invited into this story, which is the biggest and the most life-giving in the universe.
And it’s a story for you. Every person on earth, whatever their story, is known and loved by God, and invited into fullness of life in relationship with Him. The life of Jesus, the death of Jesus on the cross, and his resurrection into new life, mean that you can live this new, God-given life, free from the sins that separate us from God.
There is more about what we believe here.
Curious? Come and start the journey with us.
Perhaps you are new to church, curious as to what it’s all about, or have got questions about the Christian faith. Then you are welcome at All Saints. You don’t need to be a Christian to come along to a service, and experiencing church yourself is the best way of finding out more.
If you’d like, drop us a line to let us know you’re coming along and we’ll look out and say hi!